Andrea Cina

Andrea Cina

Andrea Cina

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-HEST

ETH Zürich

Biomedizinische Datenwiss.

LGA D 11

Lengghalde 2

8008 Zürich


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Research area

Andrea’s research is focused on chronic Low Back Pain. The main goal is to exploit different data sources, such as clinical images, clinical data, and self-reported questionnaire to develop Machine Learning models that can accurately predict the evolution of patients' condition. This comprehensive approach would allow for a better understanding of chronic Low Back Pain, potentially leading to more effective treatments and improved quality of life.


Andrea's backround is on Biomedical Engineering. He got his BSc in 2015 and his MSc in 2017 from Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy). The specialization was in biomechanics. From 2018 to 2022 he worked as a researcher at IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi (Milan, Italy) in the Laboratory of Biological Structures Mechanics (LABS) headed by Dr. Fabio Galbusera. In the Lab he started to work on Machine Learning and in particular on the development of Deep Learning models to analyse MRI and radiographs of the spine. In September 2022 he joined the BMDS Lab as a PhD student to work on outcome prediction for patient affected by chronic Low Back Pain. The research is in collaboration with the Spine group of the Schulthess Klinik. The Schulthess Klinik is an orthopedic hospital that possesses a large database of images, clinical data, and data from self-reported questionnaires.


Google Scholar Profile Andrea Cina:

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Twitter: @AndreaCina_92

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