Grant from Wings for Life

The project application entitled "A Novel Quantification of Spinal Cord Injury Recovery" was accepted for funding.

Sarah Brüningk is the principal investigator and Prof. Dr.Catherine Jutzeler the co-investigator.

Sarah is interested in exploring the potential of in silico (i.e. computer-simulated) trials to predict recovery in spinal cord injuries (SCI). This interest stems from her previous research into using computer simulations for predicting tumor progression in recurrent high-grade glioma. What ties these studies together is Sarah's expertise in using digital health solutions for rare diseases, where she applies data-driven approaches and mechanistic modelling.

Sarah and colleagues argue that the ways we currently measure how well someone is recovering from a SCI are too simple and don't consider the complicated biology involved. To improve how we evaluate treatments in clinical trials, they propose better measurements that take into account each person's unique ability to heal and how different they are from one another. The team will use in this research advanced methods that use lots of data. These advanced data-driven metrics offer superior sensitivity and specificity to precisely quantify recovery and discern the effects of treatments in clinical trials.

This research is generously supported by the external page Wings for Life Research Foundation.

Congratulations Sarah! Fantastic achievement! We wish all the team a lot of fun in their research.

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