Our group continues to grow
Lena Steck has joined our group and works as a Master's student.
Three research papers published in the Experimental Neurology journal within a single month!
What an incredible milestone!
A new publication from a lab member
We're thrilled to share a recent publication of Michael F. Adamer, our Lead of Paediatric Applications Sarah Brüningk, Dexiong CHEN and Karsten Borgwardt.
We are very excited that our postdoc Iara De Schoenmacker was admitted to the ETH Programm CONNECT, which is a program that links young women scientists with mentors in industry and the public sector, enhancing career planning and professional growth.
MAS ETH in Digital Clinical Research
The Department of Health Sciences and Technology (D-HEST), ETH Zürich offers several cutting-edge continuing education programmes such as the Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) ETH in Digital Clinical Research.